3M Daylight Redirecting Film

It was approximately 6 years ago that I gave my first Day Lighting Presentation for an Architectural firm in Aspen, CO (rough life, I know). The presentation was in an effort to promote 3M’s Daylight Redirecting Film, their newest product at that time. While the original product came with a few hiccups, over the years 3M was able to develop it into a simple adhesive application for clerestory glass (upper windows) . Reception for this new product was great, at every Architectural Event, Daylight Redirecting Film samples and brochures flew off the table. It was a cutting edge application that we thought would be all over architectural specifications in the coming years, however we were wrong.

What happened? Why isn’t Daylight Redirecting Film on every school, recreation center, box store, and building of any kind receiving direct sunlight? Why haven’t these revolutionary technologies caught on? In my opinion, rough timing. Unfortunately the debut of products like Daylight Redirecting Film were overshadowed by tragic events that brought security film to the forefront. This was good and bad. While it’s been good for business and has added a layer of safety and security to many projects, it’s halted the original driving force of our industry which is energy reduction, and efficiency.

90% of the Architectural Presentations I’ve given in the past 5 years have been on Safety and Security Film. I hope that in the coming years this will start leaning towards energy efficiency again. Security films have brought a new found popularity to the window film industry. My hope is that we can use this popularity as a way to bring more attention to the energy efficient window film products that 3M and other manufacturers have developed over the years.

While it’s been 6 years, our excitement for these products hasn’t changed. Solar Vision Inc. just completed another Daylight Redirecting Film project at a bank here in Denver, and the outcome is amazing. 3M Daylight Redirecting Film is a product that reaches beyond my expectations of what window film can do.

At Solar Vision , we believe that almost every business and building can benefit from 3M Daylight Redirecting Film. Along with utilizing the sun, a natural resource to provide interior lighting, it is also the only window film product on the market that can eliminate glare, without eliminating the light. Check out the video below to learn more about 3M Daylight Redirecting Film, and call Solar Vision Inc. 303-862-6376 to learn more about all the energy efficient window film options we offer.

-Shelley Meador

3M Daylight Redirecting Film at work, moving the light upwards and into the building. 3M Daylight Redirecting Film has a frosted look leaving your clerestory glass (upper windows) quite attractive while utilizing light in the most efficient manner.

3M Daylight Redirecting Film at work, moving the light upwards and into the building. 3M Daylight Redirecting Film has a frosted look leaving your clerestory glass (upper windows) quite attractive while utilizing light in the most efficient manner.