home improvement

"How Much Does Window Film Cost?

This question comes up a lot here at Solar Vision, and I’m sure other window film companies too. Aside from being asked by customers when they call, it’s usually one of the most popular searches when people click on our Google Ad. Unfortunately when a customer clicks on ours or any window film page, the answer is not clear at all, and most likely not available. Why is this? Why isn’t window film pricing transparent? The short answer is much like carpet or tile, there are so many variables that can change the price you’ll be quoted. However via this BLOG, I’d like to at least help you answer the question as to whether or not the average price of having film applied to your basic window is of value to you.

As a window film dealer, I’m biased. I think window film is a no-brainer. Why? Well, because it can be one of the most important home improvements you can make. Window Film is there to protect you, and your home from heat, glare, and UV Rays. This can save you on your energy bills, make your house cooler, and more comfortable, while reducing the fading of your furniture, flooring, and window coverings. With all these benefits why not look more seriously into window film?

Unlike other home improvements window film is inconspicuous. This might make it a more difficult purchase psychologically, because you don’t see or notice this passive system once in place. It’s not super fun like a new 72 inch TV with Dolby surround sound, or a new couch you just purchased at Room and Board. No one is going to really notice your new window film, like they would notice a new sofa, or 72 inch TV. Your Mother In Law probably won’t comment on your new window film. However, she might comment on how much more comfortable and cooler your house is.

Example of Double Hung Window

Example of Double Hung Window

Okay, commercial over. Let’s go back to the price. Window Film is generally charged per square foot, it seems odd, but most of the time, your square foot price is all-encompassing. It includes the material, labor, tax, and all the other cost associated with running a business, those items coupled with the hopes of making a profit is accounted for in your total price. Without going into all the math, let’s just say on average you’re probably going to pay between $15-$20 per SQFT to have solar window film installed. Window film is going to run you between $200-$400 for a basic double hung window, dependent on product type. This is about the same price as quality window coverings, which will most likely fade and ruin over the course of a few years without window film. I digress…one more plug.

These numbers are not absolute by any means, and different companies may charge different prices dependent on their cost of material, labor, and whether or not they have overhead like rent, and insurance (I highly recommend using a company with insurance). However I hope this helps get you closer to making that phone call to have your windows tinted.

Please also keep in mind other factors, like french panes, these windows will cost much more than a standard double hung window, or architectural windows that are large, and may require special equipment to reach, like the ones pictured below. These are all variables that could add additional cost to your window film installation. There are also variables that can lower the cost, like total square footage. The more the merrier in the window tint world. This means the more windows you have filmed, the more likely your are to receive a square footage discount which will lower your per square foot price.

Much like carpet or tile, what you pay and what your neighbor pays can vary. That’s because window film is a custom project specific to your home or office.

Call Solar Vision today at 303-862-6376 to schedule your window film estimate. Or if you want a quick turn around on pricing, you can always email us with photos, and measurements of your glass at info@coloradosolarvision.com , and get an estimate back from Solar Vision within 24 hours.

Not sure which window film is best for your home? Click here to see our expert recommendations.

***Pricing is not absolute, many variables come into consideration for window film pricing. Many companies may even have project minimums. Solar Visions minimum price is $650.00. The pricing provided above is for educational purposes only and is not an estimate from Solar Vision Inc., or 3M.***

3M Prestige installation taking place. The 2nd top window from the left has 3M Prestige 50 on it. The 3M Prestige 50 window film is actually ENHANCING the view, not taking from it.

3M Prestige installation taking place. The 2nd top window from the left has 3M Prestige 50 on it. The 3M Prestige 50 window film is actually ENHANCING the view, not taking from it.